Blue Waters Adventures
specializes in nature tour vacations characterized by excellent customer service, comfortable lodging, great food, and informative nature-based guided outdoor activities. All that is required is a spirit of adventure. We invite you to join us for what many have described as, and what we hope will be, the trip of a lifetime!
This video shows a great example of what Late Season whale watching is like, characterized by friendly interactions with whale calves. The water in the video is a bit choppy due to the fact that in April the whales are at the ocean entrance of the Laguna, where the mothers take the calves to practice swimming against the incoming current in order to strengthen them for their long swim North. This segment is completely unedited. Enjoy!
We provide memorable moments
Information center
Blue Waters Adventures is a full service sea kayaking company based in Northern California on the Point Reyes National Seashore area just north of San Francisco.
We offer rentals, tours and sea kayaking classes, and we serve thousands of satisfied customers each year. Our staff are highly skilled, extensively trained professionals who are dedicated to providing the highest level of service. Our clients come to us with all levels of sea kayaking experience. We introduce many of them to the sport of sea kayaking, and teach intermediate and advanced sea kayaking to improve their skills over time. Learn more about kayaking with us in California at

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Whether it's Baja, Belize, Nicaragua or right here in the USA, Blue Waters Adventures will take you on a safe but FUN Adventure!
Reach us via our Contact Form or call us at (415) 488-4538 or toll-free (888-546-2252) for more information about our tours or to reserve your guided tour today! Get ready for a trip of a lifetime with Blue Waters Adventures!